What is Chakra Balancing?

In the metaphysical world, this is something that is mysterious and something that can get you excited. Some people are attracted to yoga and when they do yoga, they might get turned on to chakra balancing.

What is Chakra Balancing?

Chakra balancing is when the psychic looks at the chakras, the seven energy centers in the body, and balances the energies. Seven wheels of energy work with the physical, emotional, and spiritual body, and when they are blocked and the wheels aren’t spinning right, it can affect your overall wellness.

The chakra can be blocked, and it can cause things like tiredness, anxiety, stress, pain, heart pain and more. If you feel disconnected from the world around you, this can be another sign that your chakras are blocked.

Self-care practices like meditation, nature, changing jobs, having a family, exercise or other things might help some, but some people still won’t feel whole. When you understand the chakras at first, you might be curious to know that there are healing centers that you can go in and get vibrational and sound healing. Other people choose to do email or online or phone sessions.

What Happens in Energy Healing

You will go to your appointment and will be excited like you are trying something new for the first time. The practitioner will ask what is going on in your body, mind and spirit and will write it down. Some people that get energy healing have had acupuncture and do things like yoga and crystal work, but this might be different than you expect.

Chakra balancing is similar to getting a massage. They are getting the knots out of your energy field. Everyone and everything have energy and there are things that we hold on to that we have to let go. One of the biggest things is to make sure that you have an open mind and that you aren’t too skeptical.

When you get on the table after your intake, the practitioner will ask you if you’re comfortable and some will hold a pendulum over your chakras. One might start at the root chakra and then move it over the next six chakras, pausing and seeing if there is energy that is stuck. As the pendulum moves, it can mean that the chakra is open but if it doesn’t it might need some work.

Some will take the pendulum over the chakras, the root, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, and the heart chakra and make sure that there aren’t any blockages. Blockages are normal and everyone gets them. Then they will go to the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye chakra, and the crown chakra, which is where you connect with the spiritual world.

As you close your eyes and relax, you will get your energy cleared. You will do this as the practitioner touches your body. You might feel warmth in your body, and you can focus on your chakras as they do the clearing of your energies. Some people claim to see colors as they go over the chakras. Each chakra is associated with a color and here are the colors:

• Crown chakra: purple.
Third eye chakra: Violet.
• Throat chakra: blue.
• Heart chakra: green.
• Solar Plexus chakra: yellow.
• Sacral chakra: orange.
• Root chakra: red.

The colors will continue to change for some as the practitioner goes over the chakras. You might wonder what’s happening and if you’re making up seeing the colors. There can be moments during the session when you might not understand what is going on. You might get intense emotions, or you might feel like you’re anxious but then feel strong peace.

As the reading ends, the pendulum can prove that the chakras are open, and you might leave feeling confused but like a new person.

Keeping Your Chakras Strong

Some might not understand why you would get a chakra reading, and that’s okay. Many people need this kind of energy healing. If you are working in an area that is closed, you need to tap into the color that works with that chakra, concentrate on it, and allow it to move through your body.

If you felt nauseous at your appointment, it might have been stress and anxiety from the Solar Plexus chakra which can happen when it’s blocked. The best result for cleansing your chakra energy is to keep going back and get repeat work done. This can help you to get rid of stress.

Each of your sessions will have fewer and fewer chakras that are blocked. The colors might come back to you, and you might feel more focused. The clarity that you can get will give you energy and you will feel positive.

When energy work happens, the clients should feel energized. They should be able to get rid of heavy emotions and feel good about their life.

Final Thoughts

The way that energy healing works is that it shifts your perspective and opens up your mind. Not only will you feel better physically, but you will also feel better emotionally and spiritually as well. It’s best that you learn all that you can on how to make your energies stronger and talking to a psychic can help!

  1. ‘Some people claim to see colors as they go over the chakras.’ Great! Next time someone asks me about my chakras, I’ll just say they’re rainbow-colored! 🥳

  2. ‘You might leave feeling confused but like a new person.’ Sounds like my last trip to the DMV! Maybe I need a pendulum there too? 😂

  3. This sounds intriguing but also bizarre—like yoga meets an art class! Would love to try it out sometime if only for the experience of lying down and seeing what happens!

  4. This whole chakra balancing idea seems like just another trendy gimmick. If you’re feeling tired or anxious, maybe try a good night’s sleep instead of chasing after colorful energy fields. 😒

  5. ‘Energy healing’—isn’t that just code for ‘let’s charge you a fortune while making you feel better with good vibes’? Honestly, why not just sit in nature and call it a day? 🙄

  6. Chakra balancing is rooted in ancient practices, primarily from Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Understanding the concept of energy centers can lead to profound insights into our emotional and physical health. Research shows many people experience benefits from these practices.

  7. While chakra balancing has its proponents, we should consider scientific evidence before diving in blindly. Can we really measure these energy fields? Skepticism is important when exploring alternative healing methods! 🤔

  8. I found this article fascinating! Chakra balancing sounds like such a wonderful practice for enhancing wellness. I’m eager to explore how it might help me feel more energized and connected. 🌈

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