Using Automatic Writing for Channeling

Automatic writing is something that is used by spiritualists. They will go into a trance-like state, and they are able to go outside of their conscious awareness while they are writing. Automatic writing can be done by anyone that is on their spiritual journey to someone that is professional in mediumship.

People have different beliefs about automatic writing, and some say that it is fake while others believe it is guided by angels and spirit guides. This is also thought to be a way that people can reach their soul or their higher self and to gain guidance in the spiritual world.

What Does Automatic Writing Benefit?

There can be many benefits of automatic writing such as:

  • To reach your higher self.
  • To have more clarity in life.
  • Being able to make good decisions.
  • Increasing your intuition.
  • Connecting with your spiritual guides and angels.
  • Makes you feel understood.
  • Makes you feel supported.
  • Helps you to trust your intuition and your instincts.
  • Can calm your mind.
  • Opens up your mind literally and metaphorically.

Channeling with Automatic Writing

Automatic writing starts with a pen and paper, and you can think about what question you want to ask. Take time to really write out the question and be as detailed as you can. Relax your mind and y our body and then start writing. Don’t force anything and let it flow naturally.

Some people have a natural gift for this, and others have to practice to develop it. People that try automatic writing for the first time will often be more open minded and their session will go great for the first time. But then if they try it again, sometimes they let fear, questions and limiting beliefs get in the way and they might not be able to do it as well as the first time.

If this happens to you, don’t get upset but just keep practicing until you are good at it.

Here are some ways to practice getting good at automatic writing!

  • Think of Your Question

The purpose of automatic writing is to ask a question about something that you struggle with in your soul. Ask a question that is clear and detailed, and you can even write it down. Choose a question that has been weighing you down and one that you have strong emotions about.

Address your question to someone or something such as your spirit guide or your soul. Ask a question like, “Dear spirit guide, why am I unable to feel happy?” If you have a bunch of questions, break them up in different sessions.

  • Relax

Relax your mind and body and this will make automatic writing easier. Here are some ways to learn to relax better:

    • Meditate.
    • Deep breath.
    • Be mindful.
    • Visualize what you want.
    • Do Yoga poses.

Whatever is most relaxing to you, do that.

  • Go Into a Trance

Let your mind and body really relax and go into a trance-like state. This is when you change your consciousness, and your brain relaxes. You need to be in this trance because in automatic writing you want the flow of information to be spontaneous.

One way that you can do this is to meditate, listen to music, do self-hypnosis, mantras, breathing work and more. Pick whichever one works the best for you and make sure that you are mindful of what you are doing.

  • Let the Information Come

Once you are in a trance-like state, start writing. You might not understand the words that you are writing, and you shouldn’t even know that you are writing because it shows you are in a different mindset and state.

This is a place where you might want to judge yourself and this is normal but if you start to do that, get yourself back on track and keep doing that until you are writing without thinking about it.

Try looking away so that you aren’t judging what you are writing down, see if that works for you because some people don’t like to do it that way. If you aren’t used to automatic writing, then you need to practice getting in the flow. This will make it easier to do it without thinking about it.

Before you begin, give yourself as much time as you need to say what you need to say. Don’t limit yourself. Create a place where you can relax and calm your mind and your body.

  • Interpret the Writing

At some point you will want to see what you wrote. Some people will stop as fast as they started, and some people will stop getting information and will stop writing. Once you stop, you need to look at your writing. See if there are any words or sentences that stand out. What patterns are you writing in? Did you use a different language?

If you are confused about what you wrote, ask questions in your next session, or wait to see if your writing makes sense later.

Are You Channeling?

You will know that you are channeling from your soul when you feel it while you are writing. You might feel happy or light and you might feel emotionally charged. Sometimes this happens when you have too much emotional energy in your body.

You will know if your soul is being channeled by what you wrote. If the words are clear and wise, this is part of your soul, and your mind can distort this sometimes and make things unclear. Keep trying until you get there. Don’t ever give up on this!

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